Tuesday 6 October 2015

Define - Tone

Tone Definitions

Tone - Tone refers to the overall lightness or darkness of an image. This could be a shade or how dark or light a colour appears.

Gamut - Range in relation to tone. 

Tone is often used to emphasise form in an image and tone is created by the way the light falls on a 3D object.

Four Annotated Images

This image presents tone very well due to the darker and highlighted areas which are present in the image. The lions mane shows tone the best due to very dark areas towards the edges of the image and the more highlighted areas that are present more towards the centre.

This image presents tone well due to its black and white filter. There are a wide range of tones which are present in the hands which makes the image quite interesting. Also, the way that the hands stand out against the dark background makes the image very effective.

This image shows an extremely simplistic interpretation of tone due to the fact that only two tones are present in the image. However this simplistic interpretation is quite effective and eye-catching due to the way that the stones are arranged.

This image presents tone in a very complex form due to the many different tones which are present in the photo. The image is very effective due to the black and white filter. This allows the tones to be more prominent and obvious.

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