Thursday 15 October 2015

Shape (studio shoot) - Straight Images - Best 5

Shape (studio shoot) - Straight Images

I really like this image I took in the studio. I like how the object is transparent and therefore the light goes though and creates a lighter shadow which looks very effective. I also like how the background is black as it makes the glass more eye catching. I really like the new edited image, however, I also think this looks effective due to the transparent colours in the glass. This makes the shape of the glass more defined. I think that overall, the original image is the best in presenting shape. 

I then edited this image in photoshop and I really like the outcome. I like how you can see the highlight on the glass as this adds effect to the image. I think it also contributes to the element of shape as you are able to see the shapes that are on the glass. 

I like the idea in this original image as I think it shows the shape of the dream-catcher well due to the black background. However, in this original version, I feel the colours are too dull in comparison to the background and therefore the shapes do not stand out very well and it is not eye catching.

I then edited my image to black and white and increased the contrast. This edit on photoshop made the shape of the dream catcher stand out more and be more eye-catching which therefore draws in the viewers eye as being the main focus point in the image.

I really like this image as it is original and also appealing. I really like the different shapes which are created in the image, for example, the heart shape which is created by the folded pages in the centre. I feel the image looks creative and therefore catches the viewers eye.

I then edited this image in photoshop by making it black and white and increasing the contrast. I think that by the new colouring of the image, it makes the shapes stand out more and also makes the shape created by the folded pages more prominent. For this reason, I think the edited version of the image is the most effective.

I really like the composition of this image as I like the way the main object is in the centre of the frame but it is still interesting due to the chain at the bottom and the shadow which is on the left side of the frame. I also like the shapes which are shown in the image. I especially like the varied shapes which are present in the watch cover as well as the circular shape which is the watch itself.

I then edited the image by making it black and white. I really like the edited image as it makes the viewer focus more on the shapes rather than the colours that are in the image. I also like how the shadows are darker in this version which helps to draw the eye to the interesting and intricate shapes which are created in the shadows. 

I like this image as I feel it follows on well from my other photograph of the dream catcher. I really like how the different shapes within the dream catcher are able to be seen as many different shapes are shown. However, in this original version, I do not think that the colouring is effective.

I really like the edited version of this image. I increased the contrast and changed it to black and white. I think that this makes the image look much more effective as it focuses the viewers eye onto the shapes which are present in the image, rather than being distracted with the other formal element of colour.

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