Thursday 15 October 2015

Shape Work Diary

Shape - Work Diary


In the sessions this week, we were given the task of photographing for the topic of shape. I found this a very interesting topic to shoot for as there was so much choice. The longer I was out shooting, I found that everything has shape of some description, whether it be geometric or irregular. For the first session, we photographed outside and inside, and I found a wide variety of shots which inspired me. These shots were both natural forms of shape, as well as man-made forms. In Thursdays session, we photographed shape in the studio. I found this very interesting and enjoyed manipulating the lights to create my images. During the sessions, I also edited some of my images using photoshop. I found that the editing of the images assisted them in clearly presenting the topic of tone. Below shows some images that I took during the sessions. 

This was my least favourite image from shooting during the first session. Although this image shows shape well in the form of a circle, I feel the image lacks imagination and creativity so therefore this makes for a very dull and boring image. I also feel that due to the muted colours, the image feels very flat and lifeless and therefore fails to draw the viewers eye to the image.

This is one of my favourite images from the first shoot for shape. I really like how the building appears to be a pyramid shape from the angle that it has been taken from. In this way, I think it presents the topic of shape very well and I also think that the editing of the image to black and white makes the viewer focus more on the element of shape in the image.

I also really like this image as I think it presents tone well due to the spherical shape of the top of the lamp. I think that the editing of the image with the pink background makes the image much more striking and therefore helps to make the shape of the lamp clearer and more eye catching. I also think my original image is effective (in straight images), although it is not as bold as the edited version.

This is my favourite image from the shoot that I did in the studio with the topic of shape. This is because I really feel that the image portrays the given brief of shape by having the heart shape made out of the folded pages. I also think that the angles created by the other pages look effective. Finally, I think the shapes in the image stand out more due to the black and white filter that I put onto the image. This makes the shapes stand out more due to the very dark background.

Idea Development

If I were to shoot for the topic of shape again, I would try to focus my session in the studio. I really liked how I was able to manipulate the lights as it made the images original and gave them more of a dramatic feel. I would also look more into the shapes which are created by the shadows as I thought that some of the shadows the objects created were very interesting and striking. For example, during my studio shoot, I really liked the patterns which were created by some of the more detailed objects, such as the pocket watch. Below are some images which I would use for inspiration if I were to shoot for the topic again. I really like the images as I think the shadows show very intricate and interesting shapes.

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