Tuesday 20 October 2015

Reflection - Straight Images - Best 5

Reflection - Straight Images

For this image, I used Francesca Woodman's mirror photographs for inspiration. I really like how you are unable to see the full face but can see a little bit of it in the mirror. I also like how you can see that it is taken over the shoulder due to being able to see some of the figure's hair and shoulder.

I then edited the image by using colour manipulation to make the background black and white but the mirror and reflection in colour. I think that this makes the mirror and therefore reflection stand out more and be more eye-catching to the audience. By doing this, it draws your eye to the element of reflection.

I like this image due to how the windows reflect light. I like how the changes in light create lines on the windows and like how half the mirror is in darkness and the other half is bright. I think that the angle that the image was taken from is effective as it adds interest to the image and helps in creating the reflection in the windows.

I then edited this image on photoshop and made the image black and white as well as increasing the contrast. I think this makes it look more effective as it makes the reflection in the window much clearer and more eye-catching. This edit also eliminates colours which distract the eye, such as the colours of the light which are in the original image.

I like this image as it shows reflection through the medium of water. I really like how the reflection has distorted as this makes the image much more interesting. However, I think this image would be more effective with a black and white filter.

I edited my image on photoshop and really like the outcome. I like how the filter makes the reflections more bold. This helps in making them the main focus point of the image. i also increased the contrast of the image and feel this edit also assisted in making the reflections darker and therefore more bold.

I really like this image as I feel it presents the brief of reflection very well. I especially like how how the reflection of the opposite building appears to be accurate in the glass. I also like how the light falls in the image as it makes the reflection stand out more.

I then edited the image using photoshop and put a sepia filter on the image in order to give it a warmer feel. I feel this allows the audience to look more at the element of reflection within the image rather than the bolder colours.

I really like this image as I feel it is successful in portraying the given theme of reflection. I especially like how the main focus point is the single leaf which is framed in the mirror. I also like the contrast between the bright green against the almost white sky. This therefore allows the viewers eye to focus on the reflection in the photograph.

I then edited the image and manipulated the colours so that only the reflection of the leaves had their original colour. I then made the background black and white. This edit allowed the image to be manipulated in such a way so that the reflection is eye-catching and the main point of focus in the image. 

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