Tuesday 6 October 2015

Tone Image Bank

Tone Image Bank

I really like this image as it shows the light reflecting on the objects so therefore presents tone well. I also really like the range of shades which are in the image. This image looks especially effective due to the fact that it is in black and white as it focuses the viewer on the formal element of tone.

I really like this image as it is very interesting and looks very effective in black and white. It also presents tone well as you can clearly see that the fox is the main focus point in the image. It also looks effective as it looks as if the photograph is taken at night due to the shades of black and white in the image.

I really like this image as it shows a more man made example of where tone is used. I really like the contrast of the bright white and darker shades as it creates interest in the image. I also like how the image is somewhat symmetrical as it makes the image more appealing and eye catching.

This image was taken by Ansel Adams who is a photographer who focuses on tone in natural landscapes. I really like this image as the use of light makes the image look dramatic and therefore eye-catching. I really like though how there is a highlighted area in the image as it creates a focus point for the image and therefore makes it an attractive photograph. 

I feel that this image portrays tone very well but in an interesting form. The tones in the image are shown within the faces. The tones are made more obvious by the black and white filter and the very dark background. This image has inspired me to attempt some portrait like shots during my shoots for tone as I feel this image shows tone very well.

This image appears to be taken in the same style as the image above which is taken by Ansel Adams. I really like this image because it is dramatic and eye-catching. I also like how the clouds and sky are tonal as it gives the image an interesting feel.

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