Wednesday 21 October 2015

Reflection - Work Diary

Reflection - Work Diary


In the sessions this week, we focused on the element of reflection. On the Tuesday session, I carried out a shoot where I focused on general reflection and on Thursday, I looked at shooting reflection in the studio and also using frames within the image to add focus to the photographs. Overall, I found reflection a very interesting topic to shoot for. I really enjoyed arranging the compositions and also manipulating the light during the studio shoots. In my opinion, my best images were taken in the studio as I was more able to manipulate my set ups in such a way that I created effective images. I also enjoyed looking at the framing aspect as I thought this helped to give the images more focus and therefore made them more effective. Below shows some images which I took during the sessions.

I really like this image as I feel it is successful in the presentation of reflection. I also like the edit on the image as I feel that the manipulation of colour helps with allowing the audience to focus on the element of reflection in the mirror. I also like the image as it shows framing. This therefore helps to draw attention more to the element of reflection within the image.

I took this image in the studio. I really like the edit on the image as I feel the manipulation of the colour helps to draw the eye to the reflected image. I also like how the reflection is framed as this again, helps to draw the viewers eye to the element of reflection. I also like the way that the lights in the studio have created shadows in the photo as this helps to add more interest. 

This is one of my least favourite images as I do not feel it shows reflection very well at all. I also feel it is too dark and think that the image would have been more effective if I had increased the exposure on my camera.

This is another image that I do not like. I do think it shows reflection somewhat due to the reflection of light in the image. However, this was not the type of image that I wanted so therefore, I do not think it looks very effective in the presentation of reflection.

Idea Development

If I were to shoot for the topic of reflection again, I would focus my shoot more to the studio. I would also concentrate my shoot to the aspect of framing as I felt that this made the images more focused and made the element of reflection more eye-catching and striking. I would also try to take more mirror shoots as I felt that the mirrors did a good job of framing the reflection.  I would also try to find more interesting objects to take photos of as I feel that it would have been beneficial to take more photographs of objects as well as people. If I were to go out shooting again, I would also try to go on a day where it had rained as I think that the water and puddles would show some very interesting and striking reflections. Below are some images that I would use for inspiration if I were to carry out the shoot again.

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