Tuesday 20 October 2015

Reflection - Vivian Maier Research

Reflection - Vivian Maier Research

I believe that this image would be considered as art. However, I think that different audiences may respond differently. Some audiences may feel that these photographs are a form of art while others would view them as not being a form of art. People may view the photographs differently due to a number of factors which are likely to include the differences in culture. In my opinion, the images should be considered as art as it appears that artist has carefully arranged the set up of the shoots and has manipulated the images to present the theme of reflection. I also believe that these images should be regarded as art as they convey feeling and emotion, which affect the audiences in different ways which could also contribute to whether or not the photographs are viewed as a form of art.

In Maier's photographs, she often records herself. I believe that this is to portray or record her emotions to either an audience or herself. It is likely that she took these photographs for her own benefit due to the fact that during her lifetime, her photographs were unknown and unpublished. However, another reason why she may have used herself in her images is because she was a street photographer so she may have had to use herself as the figure in the landscape as there was nobody else that she was able to photograph.

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