Tuesday 20 October 2015

Define - Reflection

Reflection Definition

Reflection - The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat or sound without absorbing it.

Although it is not strictly formal element, reflection is an important consideration in framing a composition and establishing balance.

Framing - Refers to when you add a frame inside the frame. Having a frame inside the frame adds more focus to the scene.

My own interpretation is that reflection is an mirror image of something.

Four annotated images

In this photo, the audience are only able to see the figure in the form of the reflection in the glasses. I like how you are able to see the horizon line in the reflection as it gives the viewers something to focus on in the reflection image. 

This image is very effective as the reflection and the real image form as one due to the colours being the same in both. It looks especially effective due to this as it doesn't have a horizon line. I also really like interesting subject of the picture which is the bird as it makes the image more eye-catching. 

This image looks especially effective in black and white as it allows the audience to focus more on the reflection as it is bolder. A also like how the reflection is in water so therefore is only in some areas.

This photograph is very effective as it shows the same reflection in three instances. I also like how the images are distorted differently in the three different rain drops. It is also effective as you can see the flower which is reflected behind the water droplets.

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