Thursday 8 October 2015

Tone Work Diary

Tone - Work Diary


In the sessions this week, we were given the task of photographing for the topic of tone. At first, I found it difficult to find things to photograph. However, after a while, I was finding it much easier and found a wide range of things to take photos of. I especially enjoyed the session shooting in the studio as it allowed me to manipulate the lighting in order to capture images which presented tone well and included highlighted areas. I later found when I came to looking at the images that I had captured, that they worked much better in presenting tone when they were put into black and white form as they allow the viewer to focus more on the formal element of tone rather than focusing on the colour of the image.

This was my favourite image from the first shoot as I really like the detail and the various shades within the image. I edited the image in Photoshop and changed the colour to black and white. I think the image looks more effective like this as it focuses the viewers eye onto the element of tone rather than colour which was an issue with the original image (which is included in the straight images).

I do not like this image as I do not feel it represents the brief of tone very well. In somewaysit does show tone due to the different shades of grey in the barrier. However, I do not think the image grabs the viewers attention as it is quite boring and simplistic. I also do not like the composition of the image as the barrier is at too much of an angle and this makes the image less appealing.

I took this image in the studio during Thursday's session. I really like the outcomes of this shoot and especially like the above image. Again, I have edited this image on photoshop and have made it black and and white in order to focus the viewer on the element of tone  rather than colour. I think the edited image works much better in presenting tone than the original (which is in the straight images for the studio shoot) as it shows the different shades better in the image.

After taking the above shot of the mask, I decided to develop my idea more by getting someone to wear the mask and photographing that. I really like the outcome as I feel it follows on from my initial image well and tells a sort of story. I especially like the new edited version of the image (above) as I feel it allows the viewer to focus more on the element of tone in the image and not look at the colours. When I edited the image, I also increased the contrast in order to make the mask stand out more and become more eye catching as I wanted this as the main focus point in the image. 

Idea Development

If I had the opportunity to shoot for tone again, I would try to spend more time in the studio where I could manipulate the lighting and achieve the style of image that I wanted. From the images I captured during the studio shoot, I especially like my final two images with the mask, so I would try to develop this idea further if I were to shoot again. I would also experiment with more images in Photoshop, where I would make them black and white and assess whether this made them present tone more clearly. I would also experiment using colour filters as I think this may also give an effective and interesting look to the photographs. In addition, as well as shooting in the studio, I would try to get some shots which included natural forms of tone, such as wildlife, as I think this would make for very effective and eye catching images. Below are some images which I would use for inspiration if I were to go out to shoot for tone again.

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