Tuesday 13 October 2015

Define - Shape

Shape Definitions

Shape - An area enclosed by a line. It can be shaded or may just be an outline. Shapes can be geometric or irregular.

Negative Space - Refers to the empty space around the subject or focus on the image. In the image below, the black area in the shape of the frog is the negative space.

Four Annotated Images

This image shows shape well due to the uniform heart shapes which are in the leaves. The shapes stands out well due to the bright colours of the leaves against the darker background. The image is also successful in presenting shape due to the added shape of a circle which are present in the form of the water droplets.

This image is very eye catching and striking. It uses negative space to create a heart shape from the elephant's trunks. This is made to stand out more due to the backdrop of the bright sunset. Although this photograph is extremely eye-catching and appealing, it would be extremely difficult to recreate!

This image uses the pencils to create a circle shape. In this image, I like how the colours of the pencils assist in the formation of the circle on the white background. The colours of the pencils also help to make the image more interesting and attractive.

This image is effective due to the intricately engraved shape in the fruit. This image is also appealing due to the composition of the shot as the fact that the fruit is positioned to one side of the frame makes the image more interesting and eye-catching.

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