Tuesday 24 November 2015

Portraiture (studio) - Straight Images - Best 5

Portraiture - Straight Images - Best 5

The three images below were inspired by Thomas Ruff's work. He uses colourful backgrounds and also uses only head and shoulder shots to create his portraits. I really like the three images below as they show a variety of different emotions portrayed by the same subject. 

I like this image as I feel it suggests that the subject is surprised. I like the way that the subject is positioned to one side of the frame as it creates effect and makes the image more interesting and attractive. I edited my image in photoshop and adjusted the curves and also sharpened the image.

I like this image as it looks as thought the subject is deep in thought. Again, I like the way that the subject is positioned towards the right hand side of the frame and also like the way that they are not looking directly at the camera. I edited my image in photoshop by adjusting the curves to make the image brighter and also increased the sharpness of the image.

I also like this image as I think that the subject appears to be stressed. Although in real life it is likely that the subject didn't feel this way, the image shows a strong connection with this emotion due to the fact that the person is looking up and also has their hands raised towards their head. 

The two images below were taken in the style of Richard Avedon. I think the way that he captures and edits images is effective and think that the usual black and white filter he applies makes the images more attractive and eye-catching. 

I like this image as it uses a prop to add more interest to the image. I like the black and white theme which is present in the image due to the subject wearing black clothes and the background being white. 

To make my images more like the images by Richard Avedon, I added a black and white filter to my image and also altered the curves. I like the outcome as I feel that the photograph now looks more in the style of the artist I was trying to capture the style of. 

I also like this image as it relies on more interpretation due to the fact that the subject's face is covered by the camera. Again, I like the addition of the prop as it helps to add interest to the image and therefore helps to attract the audience's eye more. 

Again, here I added a black and white filter and adapted the curves of the image and really like the outcome as I feel that it now portrays the style of Richard Avedon more accurately.

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