Tuesday 10 November 2015

Depth - Straight Images - Best 5

Depth - Straight Images - Best 5

I really like this image as I feel it has captured depth well. I like how the leaves in the foreground are in good focus whilst the tiles on the ground and the other leaves are out of focus. This image demonstrates a narrow depth of field as only one area is in focus. I captured this image with the f/stop value of 5.6.

I really like this image and especially like the colours as I feel they add interest to the image. The main focus point in the image is the leaves in the centre and towards the left hand side. The image is effective as the use of a narrow depth of field helps to draw the audience's eye to the area of the image which is in good focus. The leaves in which the eyes are drawn to are also especially effective as they are quite light in colour in comparison to the background which is not in focus. I used f/5.6 for this image.

I edited the image on photoshop and increased the contest. I really like the outcome and feel that it makes the plant stand out more and therefore allows the image to present the theme of depth more clearly.

I like this image as it demonstrates a different type of depth of field in the form of it being wide. This allows all of the image to be in focus. Although with this type of depth of field you are able to see more detail in the image as it is all in focus, it does not show the element of depth so effectively and as an image, appears to be more two dimensional. I used f/11 when capturing this image.

I really like this image where there is again, a narrow depth of field used. I especially like how only the area in the middle is in focus as this contributes to the portrayal of depth in the image. This image was somewhat inspired by the photo of the wire in my image bank, as that also was an example of an image showing point of focus. I used f/3 for this image.

I edited the image and put a black and white filter on it. I think that this looks effective. However, I prefer the colour version of the image as I feel that the original is more successful with the presentation of the theme of depth. 

I really like this image as it shows both pattern as well as depth. I like how a generally boring photograph has been made more interesting through the use of depth. I also like how you are able to see a lot of detail on the wires, such as the light falling on it as well as a small insect on the left hand side of the image. The image shows a narrow depth of field due to the fact that only one part is in focus. I used f/5.6 for this image.

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