Tuesday 10 November 2015

Define - Depth

Definitions - Depth

Depth - The distance from the top or surface of something to the bottom of something.

Wide angle - When a camera has a short focal length and hence a field covering a wide angle. This gives a greater perspective than can be seen with the human eye. 

Depth of Field - The amount of distance between the nearest and furthest objects which appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph. It is the measure of how much the image is in focus. Depth of field is the sharp area surrounding the point of focus. 

The closer the subject to the camera, the more shallow the depth of field. 
The higher the f/stop, the wider the depth of field.
The lower the f/stop, the narrower the depth of field.

Four Annotated Images

Shallow Depth of Field -

This image shows a shallow depth of field and is effective due to the fact that the eyes are in focus while the rest is not. This helps to make the image more interesting and attracts the viewers eye to the main focus point in the image. It is likely that this image was shot with the f/stop value being around f/5.

This image is very effective as it uses a clear narrow depth of field. I also like how this image has the focused area to one side of the image as this creates a more interesting image. It is likely that this image was shot with f/stop value of around f/4.

Wide Depth of Field -

This image uses a wide depth of field and a wide angle. This allows the image to show more perspective and therefore helps to make the image more interesting. It is likely that the f/stop value was around f/22.

This image uses a wide depth of field and this makes the image more interesting and attracts the eye to more of the image. I also like the way that the image is colourful as it makes the image more attractive and eye-catching. It is likely that the f/stop value was around f/22.

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