Wednesday 11 November 2015

Depth - Work Diary

Depth - Work Diary


In Tuesday's session, we were given the task of shooting for the topic of depth. To do this, we had to use the cameras on manual mode and manipulated the f/stop values on the cameras whilst we were out shooting to ensure our images turned out the way we wanted them to be. Initially, I found using the camera on manual mode quite challenging, but after a while, got the hang of it and actually found manual mode to be better than auto focus mode. During the shoot, I found myself photographing a lot of natural things as I found that these created the best images to portray depth. Overall, I found that shooting for depth was enjoyable and that it allowed me to be creative. Also, having the camera on manual mode, allowed me to focus on specific areas of the shots. I also took some photographs in the studio using people. I really like the outcome as I feel that the images present a different form of depth. In addition to the work in the studio, we also explored the presence of depth by means of structures such as sculptures. I did not really like these images as I thought they were quite boring and were not eye-catching at all. Below shows some examples of the images that I captured during the session.

This is one of my favourite images as it shows depth very well. It shows narrow depth of field and I also like the way that it shows an example of point of focus. In my opinion, the image is quite interesting due to the shapes which are present in the image as well as the quite striking colours.

This is another of my favourite images and also shows a narrow depth of field. I really like this image as it would normally be considered to be boring, but with the added element of depth, the image has become more interesting. I really like how you are able to see the detail which is on the wire as this makes the image more eye-catching and interesting to the audience. 

This is my favourite image that I captured in the studio. For this image, I used the f/stop value of 5.6 in order to achieve the narrow depth of field which is present in the image. 

This image is my least favourite from my shoot. I took this image relatively early on in the shoot when I was struggling with using the camera on manual mode. This image does not show depth and does not demonstrate either a narrow or wide depth of field. For this reason, I do not feel that this is a successful image.

Idea Development

If I were to shoot for the topic of depth again, I would continue shooting my preferred natural forms of depth. I think that this would help to create more interesting and quality images as I think that the colours which are shown in these forms are extremely striking and help to make the overall image more attractive and capture the audiences attention. I would also like to look more specifically into photographing leaves as I think that the colours and patterns that they show would make for an eye-catching and quality image. This would also be a good way to shoot for a close up example of depth. Below shows some images which I would use for inspiration if I had to go out and shoot for the topic of depth again.

1 comment:

  1. well done with working with the camera controls, you are gaining more confidence with your camera and beginning to think about selective focus.
