Tuesday 24 November 2015

Portraiture - Image Bank

Portraiture - Image Bank

I really like this image as the idea of the half face which is shown by the misted up window. I also like the added element of the water droplets as they add more interest to the image. I also like how the child that is being photographed appears very natural and looks to be curious according to their facial expressions. 

I really like this image as the colours are very warm so make the image seem appealing and attractive to the eye. I like how the child in the image, again seems natural and I also like how they are positioned to  one side of the image rather than them being completely central.

I really like the expression shown in this image as it is original and interesting. I like how the image has a black and white filter on it as this helps with presenting the tones and shades within the image, 

I like the originality of this image and think that what appears to be coloured glitter, helps to add colour to the photograph. It also helps to make the image more interesting and the addition of the colour to the image helps to draw the viewers eye to the portrait.

This image was taken by photographer Thomas Ruff. I really like how the image includes a colourful background as this attracts the viewers eye to the image and makes the portrait stand out more. In addition to this, the coloured background makes the image have a pop-art feel to it which therefore helps to make the image more attractive and striking.

I really like this image which was captured by Richard Avedon. I like the fact that the image is a half body shot as this, in some cases, can add interest and effect to the portrait as it gives the audience more to look at. In the case of this image, the fact that the portrait is a half body shot helps the audience to assess the individual in the image and by showing more of the subject, helps the audience to create an understanding about the sort of person that is being depicted.

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