Thursday 26 November 2015

Portraiture - Straight Images - Best 5

Portraiture - Straight Images - Best 5

I really like this portrait which I captured during the shooting on location session. I like how the image shows a shallow depth of field. I achieved this depth of field by having my camera on aperture priority mode and having my f/stop set to the value of 5.6 which helped me to focus on the subject and have the background blurred. I like the way that the subject is in a natural pose and is not looking at the camera as this makes for a more realistic portrayal of emotion.

I really like this image and like the way that, again, the subject is natural and not looking directly at the camera. I altered this image using photoshop and increased the brightness, increased the saturation and also altered the curves to make the image vibrant and make the subjects skin bright so that they stand out more.

I also like this image and feel as though it could be considered as a follow on from the image above. I also edited this image using photoshop and altered the curves as well as increasing the saturation to obtain a more striking and bold image. I also like how the subject is not face on as the image therefore presents an alternative perspective of portraiture in the form of a side on angle. 

I like this image and feel that the shallow depth of field helps to add interest to the image as well as drawing the viewers eye to the face in the foreground. I edited this image on photoshop by altering the curves to make the subject brighter and also increased the overall brightness. In addition to this, I used a technique known as vignette to make the centre of the image brighter to assist the audiences eyes being drawn to the centre and main focus point of the image.  For this image, I used the camera on aperture priority and set the f/stop to 4 in order to achieve the shallow depth of field.

I like this image as I feel it shows a relaxed individual in their natural setting very well. In this way, the image could be thought to resemble that of Alec Soth. I also like the way that the image shows a narrow depth of field which I achieved by using the f/stop value of 5.6. I also edited this image in photoshop and increased the saturation as well as increasing the overall brightness of the image.

1 comment:

  1. you have some very strong portrait images here, well done, you need to analyze the images suing the camera settings used and reference dof.
