Thursday 5 November 2015

Movement - Work Diary

Movement - Work Diary


In Thursday's session, we were given the brief of shooting for the topic of movement. I found movement a very difficult subject to capture and at first, found it extremely challenging to take effective photographs. However, as the session went on, I became more familiar as to how the shutter speed affects the image, although still found it to be a challenging task. Below are some examples of images that I captured during the shoot.

This was my favourite image that I captured during the session. I really like how the background is in focus but the bus which is passing by is blurred. For this reason, I think that the image is successful in the presentation of motion and I think that the added edit helps with this. I also like that the blurred element is towards one side of the image as I feel it makes the photograph more eye-catching and appealing.

In my opinion, this is my worst photo from Thursday's shoot. I don't like the image as there are no specifically blurred areas which makes the image look just out of focus and not effective at all. It also makes it look accidental which makes the image very unappealing and poor quality. Also, I do not feel that the image is successful in showing movement as there are too many objects within the image.

Idea Development

Despite the fact that I found shooting for movement very unenjoyable, I found a selection of interesting images which would inspire me if I were to shoot for the topic again. If I were to shoot again, I would be sure to take a tripod to keep the camera steady as I think that this would make for a more quality image. I would also make sure that my images were colourful and portrayed an element of fun. To do this, I would try to go out shooting on a bright and sunny day and also would try to visit an interesting place where some more interesting and eye-catching shots could be captured. Below are some images which I would use for inspiration if I were to shoot for the topic of movement again.

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