Thursday 5 November 2015

Movement - Image Bank

Movement - Image Bank

I really like how this image portrays the motion of spinning and like the way that the blur of the photo shows that a spinning motion was going on. I also like the colours in the image as I feel that they make the areas of blur more obvious which therefore helps to draw your eye to the areas where motion is being portrayed.

I think this image shows motion very well and I like how there are many blurred figures in the photograph but only the first is in focus. I also like the element of the dark background as I think this helps to attract the viewer to the element of motion as it makes the figure very eye-catching.

I really like this image as I think that it portrays motion and speed. I really like how the background and the horse's legs are blurred as this creates the feeling of fast movement. I also like how some of the horse is in focus as this allows the viewer to be drawn to this as the main focus point in the image. The image was captured by photographer Christopher Martin, who looks at images of motion and the blurring of images.

This photo was captured by photographer Ian Egner. He focuses on light trails which are created by long exposure photography. This shows motion in a more unconventional form but in my opinion, the image above is very successful in creating the theme of movement and is a very interesting image.

This image is also by Ian Egner. I really like the image as it is very interesting and appealing to the eye. It presents movement by the lines of light which are created in the road. The image is also very appealing as the colours are very striking and bold.

This image was taken  by JJ. Lartigue. It is a different sort of image than the ones which look at motion expressed by blurring. However, I think that the image clearly shows the motion of the wave which is made especially obvious with the black and white filter which has been added.

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