Tuesday 17 November 2015

Joiners - Image Bank

Joiners - Image Bank

I really like this example of a joiner as it is different to some of the others I have seen due to the spaces between some of the images. This helps to make the image more effective and eye-catching. I also like the colour theme in the image as the theme of black and white makes the image bolder and more striking. This image is by David Hockney. 

This joiner seems to be more complex due to the large amount of images that are included in the composition. I really like the idea of this increased amount of images and think that this helps to add effect to the overall photograph.

This image is also very effective as it makes the image more obviously distorted by having uneven spaces around the images. I also like the obvious overlapping effect which is present in the image as it adds effect and depth to the image. 

I really like this image and think that it looks very effective. From a distance, it appears to be a full image but when you look closer, you can see that the image is made up of multiple pictures. I like the way that in this image, the photographs are only at slight angles as I think this more uniform effect helps to make the image more effective. 

This is an example of a portrait joiner. I really like this joiner as I feel that the different angles that the photos are taken makes the overall composition interesting and therefore helps to draw the audiences eye more to the image. 

I really like this example of a portrait joiner by David Hockney who was the artist that introduced the idea of joiners. I really like the distorted element of the image and like the way that the photographs are taken from different angles as I think that this adds more interest to the image and also helps to make it more striking. 

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