Thursday 5 November 2015

Movement - Straight Images - Best 5

Movement - Straight Images - Best 5

The images below were all taken on 'Shutter Priority' mode using a variety of shutter speeds from 1 second to 7 seconds. These shutter speeds helped me to create the images which showed movement. I used a longer shutter speed for the images where I experimented with light as this helped more of the light to be shown in the image.

This is my original image and I think it shows motion relatively well. With this image, I attempted to show the motion of someone spinning round on a chair. 

I then edited the image to make it more saturated. I like the edited version more than the original as it makes the motion clearer. This was one of my first images that I took during the shoot and for this reason, feel that it turned out quite well. 

I like this image as it experiments with light trails, which I was inspired to investigate due to my previous research on Ian Egner. To create this image, I had to use a relatively slow shutter speed which helped me to capture images and shapes which would usually not be seen.

This is my favourite image as I love the way that the background is in focus while the passing bus is blurred. This creates a very obvious element of motion and allows it to be clear by means of which part of the image is moving.

I then edited the image using photoshop and added a black and white filter as well as increasing the contrast. I think that this edit has helped to focus the eye to the element of motion which is being presented in the image by means of the bus passing by.

With this image, I experimented again using light trails. These light trails which created a shape, were achieved by having a slow shutter speed on the camera. Although I really like the image, I feel that it could be improved with the use of a tripod.

I then edited the image on photoshop and put a black and white filter on the image. This allowed the light trails to stand out more to be more striking and catch the viewers eye and in this way, allows them to become the main point of focus in the image.

Here, I again used a slow shutter speed to create shapes in the image which one would not usually see. In the image, the light trails are exaggerated more by the darker background and therefore catch the viewers eye. I also like how in this image, there are multiple light trails which adds interest to the image.


  1. you need to post references to the camera settings used and the visual outcomes attained as the will show an engagement with how camera controls affect visual outcomes.

  2. also forgot to mention again some very strong images here well done... perhaps some should be considered for the final print portfolio....
