Thursday 19 November 2015

Joiners - Work Diary

Joiners - Work Diary


In the sessions this week, we were given the task of shooting for the topic of 'joiners'. In the first session, I did not know what a joiner was, but after researching artists such as David Hockney, I began to get a feel of what was required. On the Tuesday session, we focused on taking photographs in the studio and on Thursday, we went out and captured images of landscapes, buildings and natural forms such as trees. Overall I found taking photographs and making joiners from them was very entertaining and allowed me to create some unique and interesting compositions. However, to begin with, I found the task quite hard and found myself constantly wondering if I had taken enough photos and if they were at the right angles. Nevertheless, as the sessions progressed, I thought that I improved greatly and really got the hang of using photoshop for this task. I really liked how on photoshop, I was able to arrange and angle images in such ways that allowed me to make my work unique and personal to me. Below shows some joiners which I created during the sessions.

This is my favourite image from the studio shoot. I really like how the images are joined and arranged in such a way that the joiner gives an abstract feel to it. I also like that, despite it looking distorted, you are still able to clearly see what it is supposed to be. In addition to this, I like the way that the light was used in the shots as this made them clearer and therefore makes them more eye-catching.

The above image shows a screenshot which demonstrates the process by which I created the joiners. To the right hand side, it shows the layers that were used and also shows the effects that were added to each layer. The outcome is shown below.

This joiner is another of my favourites and was shot during the outdoor shoot. I really like this image as it is simplistic due to the fact it only uses three layers but is made to appear more striking by the use of the rotation tool on photoshop. This allowed me to rotate the images to the angles that I wanted them and therefore helped me to create a more eye-catching and interesting image. In addition to this, I like the use of the black and white edit as it helps to show the subtle differences in tones between the three layers. 

This is my least favourite joiner. Although I like the image when it has a black and white filter, I feel that the original version looks quite plain and boring. I also do not like how the bottom image appears quite bright but then the image above this seems much darker. This therefore makes the image less effective as it detracts from the rest of the joiner. However, despite this, I feel that this joiner looked effective when a black and white filter had been applied to it.

Idea Development

If I had the opportunity to shoot for the topic of joiners again, I would focus my shoot in the studio and would look again at portraits. I would do this as I think that the faces and people looked more effective than other things when they were made into a joiner. I also think that by doing this, I would be able to create more abstract and interesting compositions due to the detail which is present in the human face and form. If I were to create more joiners, I would also try to focus one of my investigations just on the face, as during the sessions this week, when I looked at people in the studio, I did not just concentrate on the face and instead looked at the whole body. If I were to shoot for the topic again, I would use the following images for inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. you have posted some good joiners, here I think if you have the images you should experiment a little with the background using different colors, please discuss with me...
