Tuesday 17 November 2015

Define - Joiners

Define - Joiners

Joiners - A technique in which one picture is assembled from several overlapping images. This can be done manually with prints or by using digital image editing software, such as photoshop.

Four Annotated Images

This image is quite a complex joiner as it consists of many images which are layered together. However, for this reason, the image is very effective and is also very interesting and eye-catching.

This is a very interesting example of a joiner by David Hockney. I really like the distorted perspective that the edit has produced. It is very effective and has transformed an quite boring object to photograph into a very interesting image.

This is a more simplistic example of a joiner. In this example, I like how the images are all arranged at the same angle which allows the audience to see variation in colours in the different images. This looks especially effective on the black background. 

I like this image as it is similar to the one above. I also like how the colours in the images are varied which helps to show the different layers within the image.

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