Thursday 24 September 2015

Texture - Straight Images

Texture - Straight Images

I really like this image as the moss and the brickwork show two different textures. I like the way how you can see that the moss is raised up from the bricks and I also like the muted colours. The moss also draws your attention to the centre of the image. To capture this photo, I had to get quite close to the ground and had the camera on macro setting.

This is my favourite image as I really like the detail that was captured. I especially like the reflections which are shown in the water droplets. The image shows texture well due to the water being raised up on the leaf which presents a varied surface on the leaf. I also really like how the leaf and water droplets are in focus while the green background is blurred.

This photo represents the topic of texture well due to the peeling paint, the indentations and the mould growing on top. I especially like the element of the peeling paint as I feel it conveys the idea of texture as it shows the layers. In addition to the texture, I really like the angle from which the image was captured as it allows the viewer to focus on the texture in the image rather than a whole object.

This image presents texture due to the element of peeling paint. I like how the image is in black and white as it lets the viewer focus on the element of texture and the contours of the image rather than the eye being drawn to any colour. I think this image also could be used to show pattern due to the brickwork.

This is one of my favourite images as I think it presents texture well due to the seeds in the strawberries and also the layers created by the strawberries. I also think the tops of the strawberries make the image appealing as they stand out against the mostly red image. For these reasons, the photo attracts the eye and is appealing.

I also like this image as I feel it shows texture very well. I like the plain colours of the image and also think that the image may look effective in black and white as this would help to present that the theme of the image is texture.

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