Thursday 17 September 2015

Colour - Work Diary

Colour - Work Diary


In Tuesdays lesson, we were given the topic of 'colour' and sent out to shoot. Initially, I thought this would be a very easy task but found that the area was slightly lacking in colour. It was also quite difficult as it was a very dull day which made it so that the colours were not as bright and vibrant as they could have been, nevertheless, I still managed to collect a good range of images. I think that my best shots were the ones of plants as they were quite colourful. Below are two images I captured in Tuesday's session.

This is my favourite image from the shoot. I really like how the vibrancy and majority of colour is in the centre of the image as this helps to draw in the viewers eye and attract the audience to look at the image. I also like how the yellow is very vibrant as this helps the image to clearly portray the topic of colour.

This was another one of my favourite image. I really like the editing in it. I used photoshop to select and manipulate the colours. I like the vibrancy of the pink on the postbox and feel it compliments the black and white background well. I feel it is an eye-catching and attractive image.

This is my least favourite photograph from the shoot. It does show colour well as it shows the yellow and also the reds and greys in the bricks. However, I do not feel that the image has a purpose and lacks meaning. The image is also quite dull which doesn't make the image very appealing.

Idea Development

If I were to go out and shoot for the topic of 'colour' again, I would make sure I went out on a bright and sunny day. I think this would make it easier as the colours would be more vibrant and bright. I would also go to a more natural area to shoot so that I could get better shots. The college campus did not contain a lot of colour so it was hard to find places that were full of colour. If I were to shoot again, I would also try to be more imaginative and creative. The following images would inspire my work if I were to go out and shoot for the topic of 'colour' again. They would inspire me to look for more vibrant and striking colours to photograph and also to look for examples of where there are complimentary colours.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent series is featured here, I would like you to addd details on the camera settings used an how they impacted on the final images e.g. depth of field, image sharpness, point of focus,etc… this links to AO3 and AO1
