Tuesday 29 September 2015

Define - Form

Form Definition

Form - Form is a three dimensional shape, such as sphere or cone. Sculptures and 3D designs are about creating forms.

In 2D artworks, tone and perspective can be used to create the illusion of form.

My interpretation of form involves the ideas of shape, perspective and tone to make an image appear more three-dimensional.

Four Annotated Images

This image presents the topic of form very well as it presents both the form of the snails shell, as well as the form that is present in the wood. The fact that this image is in black and white helps the audience to focus on the element of form without being distracted by the colours in the image.

This image is likely to have been shot in a studio. It presents form very clearly due to the shadows which are created. This helps to reinforce the element of form which is present in the bananas. I also like the composition of the image as makes the object the only point in the image as which to focus on.

I really like the element of colour which is present in this image. In this specific image, it helps to reinforce the topic of form as it allows the plant to be suggested as the object which has form. I think that it stands out and is eye-catching due to the very dark background which surrounds the vibrant plant.

This image presents form well due to the clearly defined pen which is in the image. I think that the black and white filter on the image allows the pen to stand out more which therefore makes the pen the main focus point which reinforces the topic of form.

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