Thursday 24 September 2015

Pattern - Work Diary

Pattern - Work Diary


In Thursday's photography session, we were asked to go out and shoot for the topic of 'pattern'. At the start of the session, I thought that pattern was going to be easy to shoot for, but as the session progressed, I found that I was mistaken and pattern was actually, in my opinion, the most difficult topic so far. However, by the end of the session I was finding the task much easier and had taken a number of shots which I felt presented pattern. Below are two images which I captured during Thursday's session.

This was my favourite image that I captured for pattern as it presents a natural and less obvious form of pattern. I really like how the little flowers are repeated many times but are not in a linear structure. The fact that the pattern is confined to the circular structure gives an added interest to the image. I also really like the colours of the image as the lighter green helps to focus the viewers eye to the pattern and also makes the image more appealing to the eye. If I were to adapt this image on photoshop, I would try putting the image in black and white as I feel it would compliment the pattern and help the viewer to focus on the element of pattern in the image.

I have experimented with my favourite image on photoshop and have made my image black and white. I think it looks very effective and I think that it shows the theme of pattern much better than the colour version does.

This is another image that I took during Thursday's session. Despite the fact I think it shows pattern well due to the repeated square design, I really feel that this picture lacks imagination and interest. The dull grey and monotone colours make the image have a very boring feel and does not make it either appealing or inspiring.

Idea Development

If I had to reshoot for pattern, I don't think it would be as daunting the second time round, so I would feel more confident to experiment with different and more abstract ideas. Next time, I would focus on shooting patterns in clothes and would also focus on natural forms of pattern such as plants, flowers and fruits. I think these would all make exciting and effective images which would be eye catching to a viewer. In addition, if I were to reshoot, I would focus on taking close ups rather than shooting the full object as I think with this topic, the close ups allow the focus to be on the patterns rather than the objects themselves. Again, if I were to reshoot, I would try to go out on a bright day in order to get vibrant colours in my images which would therefore make them more appealing. By going out on a sunny day, it may also be possible to capture images of patterns made by shadows which I think would look partially effective. Below show some images that I would use next time for inspiration.

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