Thursday 17 September 2015

Colour Image Bank

Colour Image Bank

I really like this image because of the fact that the majority of it is in black and white. This makes your eye more drawn to the main focus of the image which is the umbrella. This image creates a very calm feel because it is quite symmetrical.

This is one of my favourite photographs because it contains so many vibrant colours. I also like how the colours are very close to each other so each colour stands out and catches your attention. I also like the fact that the photograph is in a lot of detail so you are able to see tiny grains of sugar on the sweets.

I really like this photograph as it contrasts a dark background with bright lights of colour. I also like the image as it shows perspective due to the lights being large on one side of the image and then small on the other side.

This photograph caught my attention due to the yellow and pink as they compliment each other as well as making each other stand out. As well as the colour, I really like the idea of the slightly blurred background as it draws attention to the shoes and makes them the focus point of the image.

This image has similar qualities to the first image, by which the black and white background makes the colour more prominent and in the case of this image, draws the viewers eye to the centre of the image. I also think the darker background makes the vibrant colours stand out very well.

This image is very effective in the presentation of colour as it only showcases a certain amount of colours, which are orange, yellow, blue and green. The fact that the colour in the image has been manipulated so that the background has a black and white filter also helps the colours to stand out and be eye-catching. 

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