Tuesday 29 September 2015

Form Image Bank

Form Image Bank

This image was taken by photographer Imogen Cunningham who focuses on the illusion of form in 2D images. She photographs in black and white which adds to the depth and tone in the image which contribute to the formal element of form. I really like how this image shows a natural example of form as it adds interest to the image.

I really like this image as it presents form very well. I really like how it shows both natural and manmade examples of form. I also really like the element of perspective as the chain links get smaller towards the bottom of the image. I think the fact that the image is in black and white, helps the viewer to focus on form rather than any other aspects of the image.

I think that the bold and striking colours in this image present form really well. I also like the use of light and shade as it draws the eye to the shell which is the main focus point in the photo. I think this image would also look very effective in black and white as it would make the theme of form even clearer. I also think the stripes on the shell would look very effective in black and white.

I really like how this image presents form in a very simple way. The chess pieces almost seem to be silhouettes which I think shows the theme of form very well as although they do not appear three-dimensional, the viewer knows that they are. I also like the element of reflection which is presented in the image by the seemingly artificial lights being reflected on the table.

This is one of my favourite images as it presents two types of form. The most obvious is in the form of the shell which catches your eye as it is the darker area of the image and is easily recognisable as being 3D. The other example of form in the image is the wood that the shell is resting on. Overall, I think that this image portrays the formal element of form very well.

This image is successful in the presentation of form as it shows a very interesting example of form. The use of the black and white filter helps with this presentation as it makes the main example of form in the image more obvious and eye-catching.

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