Thursday 17 September 2015

Define - Colour

Colour Definitions

Colour - The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.

Saturation - The intensity of a colour, expressed as the degree to which it differs from white.

Muted colour - Muted colours are colours that are less intense and are colours that have been toned down using black or white.

Analogous colours - Three colours which are together in groups and next to each other on the colour wheel.

Complimentary colours - Pairs of colours that when combined, cancel each other out. They are usually opposite from each other on the colour wheel. 

Four Annotated Images

This photo is effective due to the swirls of colour on an otherwise very dull background. The colours are very bright and striking which creates the element of interest within the image. 

This photo appears to have been edited. It looks very effective due to the wide range of colours that are in the flowers which are then on the dark background. This makes the colours stand out and be more eye-catching.

This image is effective due to the splash of colour on the black and white background. This makes the colours in the image very bold and striking and as a result, makes the viewers eye focus on the element of colour in the photo.

This image is effective due to the fact that the colours appear to be reflected in the water and the splashed droplets. The colours look especially effective due to the different shades which are present due to the fact that the colours are presented in the water and are also a product of reflection.

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