Tuesday 29 September 2015

Form - Straight Images - Best 5

Form - Straight Images

I really like this image as I think it presents two types of form. Firstly, it shows form by means of the main subject of the image which is the feather. Secondly, the wood that the feather is sitting on shows form due to the detail and indentations that can be seen. To capture this image, I had to use macro mode.

I think that this image has potential to show form well. However, to do this, I think it would need to be put in black and white in order to focus the viewers eye to the aspect of form rather than the other element of colour. I also think that if I were to reshoot this image, I would try to shoot it on a slightly duller day or be sure to turn down the exposure on my camera as I feel the image has come out with a lot of light areas with not many darker areas.

I really like this image as I feel it shows form very well. Again, I feel it would look better if it were in black and white as it would allow the contours in the image to be more prominent and eye-catching. However, if it were in black and white, I feel it would present form well due to the varying textures and also the pronounced embossed and raised areas.

I really like this image as I think it presents an example of natural form. I really like the darker background in this image as it helps to make the leaves stand out more and helps the element of form be presented easier in the photograph. To achieve this image, I had to put the camera into macro mode in order to get close enough and get enough detail in my image.

I think this image does a good job of presenting form by means of the building. However, despite the fact that the image presents the theme well, I feel that the photo is slightly boring and fails to grab the viewers attention. For this reason, I think that it would be beneficial to try the image in black and white to see if it helps to attract peoples attention and therefore focus the viewers on the formal element of form.

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