Thursday 24 September 2015

Pattern - Straight Images - Best 5

Pattern - Straight Images

I think this image presents pattern well as it presents the idea of the repeated blocks. The colours of black and yellow on the blocks helps the viewer to notice the pattern as it is quite clear and obviously repeated and is therefore eye-catching. I also like how the pattern has a slight curve in it. From my perspective when I was shooting, this was ideal as it allowed a large number of the blocks to be seen in the shot.

I then edited the above image by increasing the saturation and also altering the curves. I think that this image looks effective in this way.  I also like this image as it demonstrates a shallow depth of field as only one area at the front of the image is in focus. 

This is one of my favourite images as it presents a natural and less obvious form of pattern. I really like how the little flowers are repeated many times but are not in a linear structure. The fact that the pattern is confined to the circular structure gives an added interest to the image.

I feel is portrays pattern well and I like how the lines keep changing direction. This also gives the feel of perspective as the lines converge into each other at points. However, I feel the image lacks creativity and therefore does not make it very eye catching.

I then edited the image and used a black and white filter. I also adapted the curves in order to make the image brighter and also to help it to have more contrast. In my opinion, the image looks more effective after the edit.

This image shows a wicker basket. I really like the pattern shown in the image as it is interesting and catches your eye. I also like how the left side of the image is quite bright and then it gets darker on the other side of the image as the pattern changes direction. In addition to pattern, the image shows texture well as you can see the detail of the material which makes up the pattern very clearly.

I like this image as it shows a natural pattern in the form of a leaf. I like how you are able to see all the lines on the leafs surface as I think it makes the image attractive and appealing to the eye. However, if I were to improve the image, I would take more of a close up of the leafs surface to include the more intricate details and also take the shot on a bright day so that the colours were more vibrant.

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