Wednesday 20 January 2016

London Landscapes - Straight Images

London Landscapes - Straight Images

I captured these images during our trip up to London. They were all taken in the area around Trafalgar Square and Embankment. I took most of the images on f/stop 5.6 and varied between manual focus and auto focus with my ISO set at 200. However, when it started to get dark, I increased my ISO to 400 or 600 and eventually put my camera onto night mode. 

This image was taken near Trafalgar Square. I like the image as it presents many of the formal elements. It shows line in the form of the pavement as well as the buildings and road lines. I like how the pavement is a leading line which draws the eye up towards the building in the centre of the background. I also like how interest has been added to the image by the pedestrian crossing buttons. I edited the image on photoshop and adapted the curves in order to lighten the image and also increased the saturation to make the image more striking.

I like this image as I feel it presents an iconic feature of London in the form of the London eye. I like how it is in the background and lit up as this makes the background more interesting and also like how the road in the foreground has bold white arrows as this makes the image more eye-catching and also presents the formal element of lines. I also edited this image using photoshop by adapting the curves and levels.

I like this image as it shows a wide area of Trafalgar Square. I like the image as you can clearly determine where it was captured. I like the brightness of the image as it helps to make the image more striking. I also edited the image on photoshop and adapted the curves and also increased the saturation to make the image bolder and more eye-catching. 

I really like this image as it has been taken from an alternative and interesting angle. I shot it in Trafalgar Square and like the way that the image shows both the fountains as well as the steps and building in the background. I like the way that the image shows depth by the side of the fountain is not in focus whereas the water and background is. I achieved this by having my camera on manual focus with the f/stop of 5.6. Although I really like the image, I do not like how the image shows the red display in the background as this could be seen to draw the viewers eye away from the main focuses of the image which are the fountains and the building.

I also really like this image as it looks as though it has been inspired by Rut Blees Luxemburg who mainly photographs at night. When I fist took the image, I did not like how there are people in the foreground who are not in focus. However, the more I see the image, the more I like it as it could be thought to tell a story in this way. I also like how the people help to create a sense of scale of the building. 

I really like this image as the building is very interesting and I also like the way that the road is empty as this creates a feeling of desertion which to begin with, can make the audience feel uneasy. I like the way the image shows the formal element of line in the form of the road but also shows shape in the form of the interesting building. I also like how the road appears to be slightly lit up and as a result has an orange tint to it whereas the building is naturally lit so has kept its original colour. 

1 comment:

  1. A very good post, here, when we next meet ask about perspective correction but have one of these images available on Photoshop to demonstrate as you have some convergence of perspective... finally try to use Photoshop not photoshop...
