Tuesday 5 January 2016

Connecting Essay 4

Connecting Essay 4 - Documentary Photography

Edward Thompson's Photograph -

This photograph comes from a documentary series by Edward Thompson called 'Cowboy Church'. In this image, I like the use of light and colour and also like the way that the subject appears to be aware his photo is being taken but still appears natural. As a single image, the photograph draws the viewer in and makes them curious about the individuals lifestyle. However, when you are able to view the entire series, this mystery becomes much clearer. The image makes it appear as though the subject is getting the horse ready to ride which helps to add interest to the image as it allows the viewer to think about the lifestyle of the individual in the photograph. I also like the element of culture which is bought to the image. This element is emphasised even further when you are able to see the full series. 

My Photograph -

This photograph was taken by myself during the documentary photography topic and used Edward Thompson for inspiration when I was shooting for it. I like the way that the light comes from behind in this photograph as it gives the horse a slight glow around the edge which therefore helps to draw the viewers eye to the main focus point in the image. I like how the individual in the photograph appears relaxed and natural, although is still aware that they are being photographed as this helps to make the image successful. It also makes the audience curious about the subjects lifestyle, although this becomes clear when the full series is viewed.

The Connection -

Although the two images are not 100% identical, they share a number of distinctive similarities. The first, very obvious similarity is the fact that they are both photos of people with horses and in both, the individual appears to be getting the horses ready to ride. Another way in which the two images are similar is that they both present bold and vibrant colour. This helps to make the two images attractive and appealing to the viewer and therefore helps to make them eye-catching. In this way, the two could be thought to show the formal element of colour, but in fact are part of a series of documentary photography. I like how the two images also appear to show the individuals in a natural and relaxed state as this helps to emphasise the topic of documentary photography to which they both belong. For my image, I used Edward Thompson's work as inspiration and also attempted to capture the bold and striking colours and interesting compositions which are present in all of his images. Both images are interesting and capture an essence of the featured individuals lifestyles, and coupled with their full series, make very interesting, eye-catching and effective images for the topic of documentary photography.

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