Thursday 21 January 2016

London Landscapes - Work Diary

London Landscapes - Work Diary


Overall, I feel the London shoot went very well and feel that I captured a successful series of images. I like how the images capture iconic areas of London and therefore help the audience to connect more to the images. I enjoyed exploring the topic of landscapes and in my first series, I took rural landscape shots but for this, I took urban landscapes in the form of London. During the trip, I enjoyed shooting for the topic but as it got dark found myself struggling. However, once I had figured out the correct camera settings, my photographs began to come out well again. I found that at night, the correct camera settings were having the f/stop at 5.6 and either putting my ISO to 400 or 600, or alternatively, putting the camera on night mode. I found that I could create more interest in the images by shooting from alternative angles and also by shooting both landscape and portrait. Below shows some images from the London shoot.

This was one of my favourite images from the London shoot. I like the colours in this image and especially like how the road has an orange tint which reflects on the interestingly shaped building. I also like how the image presents the formal element of line by means of the road. I also like how there are no cars on the road which gives the audience the feeling of dissertation which can contribute to the image giving off an uneasy feeling. I captured this image on the f/stop of 5.6 and had my camera on auto focus. 

This is one of my least favourite images from the shoot. The image was taken when it was just starting to get dark and also when I hadn't adapted my camera settings yet so this therefore makes the image appear very dark and gloomy. Also the image composition is not very good as you can see a person's face on the left hand side of the image. Also, the image is slightly out of focus and in addition to this, the cars headlights are slightly overpowering in the image. For this reason, I do not like the image and feel that it is a boring and therefore not a successful image.

Idea Development

If I were to go up to London again and shoot landscapes, I would take a tripod as this could help me get more images in focus, especially when it started to get dark. In addition to this, I would go to London for a whole day so in this way I would not be limited and restricted by the fading light. I would also visit more areas in London in order to get a wider range of images in different locations which I feel would create a more broad outlook on London. If I were to shoot again and at night, I would use Rut Blees Luxemburg's night photography as inspiration. Below shows some images which I would use if I were to shoot for the topic of Landscapes in London again.

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