Tuesday 19 January 2016

Landscapes - Work Diary

Landscapes - Work Diary


During the past few sessions, we were given the task of shooting for the topic of landscapes. At first, I thought that this was going to be a boring topic. However, as the topic progressed, I found that it involved more than I had first thought. I do not feel that my initial shoot was very successful as the day was very windy and this therefore made my images slightly blurry. Also, I found that I struggled to shoot a 'landscape' in Harlow. However, I thought that my second shoot was more successful and thought that I managed to explore the topic further by experimenting with different shooting angles and camera settings in order to capture more effective and interesting images. I also liked that for the second shoot, I was able to capture my images in a setting which I found inspiring and interesting. Below shows some images which I captured during my shoots.

This is one of my favourite images from the shoots. I like the angle at which it was shot at as I feel it is interesting and different. I edited the image on photoshop and increased the contrast and saturation as well as adapting the curves to make the image appear brighter and therefore more effective.

I like this image as it has an additional element as well as the landscape. In my opinion, this helps to make the image more interesting and effective. I also edited the curves of this image to make it brighter which helps to make the image more striking and eye-catching.

This is my least favourite image from the shoot as I feel that it is very dark and does not really show a true landscape. I don't mind the silhouette effect but do not feel that the image is effective as it is also quite boring.

Idea Development

If I were to go out and shoot for the topic of landscape again, I would try to go out and shoot on a day which had more interesting weather, whether it be snow or sun. I think this would assist me in adding interest to my images. I would also be interested in attempting to capture a series of images which all related to each other and also perhaps creating a series of images which were more saturated and bright. For this, I would use the landscape photographer Helen Dixon as inspiration as I really like her images and the style in which she captures them with. Below shows some of her images which I would use as inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. A good series of images are posted here well done, I would not be overly concerned about the dull images, many photographers within the fine arts prefer to work with low saturation it might be worth looking into this further through reviewing e.g. the photography of Jeff Wall
