Thursday 14 January 2016

Landscape - Initial Shoot - In the style of Ansel Adams

Landscape - Initial Shoot
In the Style of Ansel Adams

Below shows a selection of images which I took during the session and edited them in the style of Ansel Adams. I like a few of the images but overall don't feel that the shoot was overly successful. I also feel the images appear a little bit gritty looking but I think that this was due to the weather. Although they do capture urban landscapes, I think that I would prefer to go out and capture rural landscapes and do so in the style of a different artist such as Helen Dixon.

I like this image as it is quite dramatic due to the dark areas in the images. I also like how the sky looks in the image as it looks similar to the sky in Ansel Adams photographs. Although I like the image, I do not feel that it shows landscape overly well. However, it could be considered to represent urban landscapes.

I quite like this image but do not feel it is successful in presenting landscape. However, I feel that this image would be good at presenting movement due to the cars in the image. 

I like this image and feel it shows a clear urban landscape. I like the dramatic black and white filter as I feel that it expresses the style of Ansel Adams quite well. I also like the way that the image appears to be taken as it was getting dark, despite the fact that the image was taken in daylight. 

I like the image but do not feel it shows landscape very well. I like the editing of the image as I feel it expresses Ansel Adam's style but do not like the image as a whole as it seems quite boring and is not a very appealing image overall and it is also very slightly out of focus. 

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