Wednesday 6 January 2016

Define - Composite Images

Composite Images

Composite images are images of which visual elements from separate sources are placed into a single image. This creates the illusion that all of the elements are part of the same source.

Four Annotated Images

I like this image as although it is surreal and composite, it works very well and at first sight, you are unable to notice the surreal aspect but on a further glance, you are able to see the surrealist fish which is present in the image.

I really like this image as again, it is simplistic but still surreal. I like the idea of a surreal object being in the cloud. I think that during the topic, I will try to replicate this idea within my work.

I like this image as it appears quite dark and gloomy. I like how the flies are bigger than the lizard which in real life is not the case and think that the background is very effective as it makes the image eye-catching and striking.

I like this image as it is so surreal. I like the element of the ladder as it makes the lion look very big while the person looks even smaller. I think that the image is very effective and I think I will try to replicate something like this in my own work.

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