Tuesday 12 January 2016

Landscape Photography - Helen Dixon

Helen Dixon

Helen Dixon is a self taught photographer with her passion beginning in 2003. In 2008, she made the decision to turn her passion into a career and started it where she grew up, in the heart of Surrey. She specialises in landscape and nature photography in Southern Britain, but plans to broaden her travels. In addition, she is a regular contributor for Digital SLR Photography Magazine and here work has been widely published in a number of other magazines and newspapers. Dixon uses extensive equipment which includes: Nikon D810, E0S 5D Mkll, Sony A7R and many different lenses. 

This image is very effective at presenting landscape. It includes many different aspects such as weather in the form of the fog, the time of day which can be seen via the sky and also the nature which is present within the landscape itself. The angle at which the image has been captured is also very interesting and adds appeal to the image. The image contains multiple formal elements including depth, line and colour.

This image is very bright and also slightly dramatic due to the silhouettes of the trees on the horizon. I like the dramatic and bold colours which make up the sky as this makes the image more striking and eye-catching. I also like how the audience is able to see more detail, such as the flowers which are present in the foreground.

This image appears to be very relaxed and uniform. By means of formal elements, the image contains many lines. These are present in the trees as well as the path. In addition, the formal element of colour is very prominent due to the repeated purples and greens within the image. I like the way that the colours are very bright as this helps to make the image more appealing and interesting.

This image is very similar to the one above. However, this image includes less lines but includes different tones in the form as bright highlights and dark shadows. It also presents depth as the image gets lighter towards the back of the image. Overall I like the image and think that it has a calm and tranquil feeling to it.

I really like the normal feeling that this image gives. Although the landscape in the image is simplistic, it includes many formal elements such as depth, colour and lines. Depth is presented by the lines which lead the eye to the horizon and therefore create the feeling of distance. Depth is also shown by the fact that the colour becomes lighter towards the back of the image. The use of colour is also very effective as most of the colours are quite dull which therefore makes the green stand out more and appear very vibrant.

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