Tuesday 19 January 2016

Landscapes - Straight Images

Landscapes - Straight Images

I like this image as it is quite original and effective. I like the sense of perspective in the image which is shown by the trees and the differing scales. I edited the image on photoshop and increased the saturation and also adapted the curves.

I like this image as it shows landscape but in an original way with the added feature of the plants in the foreground. I also edited this image by increasing the contrast and adapting the curves to make the image brighter and therefore more effective.

I like this image as it includes a leading line in the form of the ditch. I like the bright green colours in the image as it makes it appear bold and striking. I also like how the sky appears white as it makes the trees in the background stand out which therefore shows the horizon. 

I really like this image as it also includes leading lines. I like the green colours in the image and also like how the image appears mysterious and interesting.

I like this image as it captures a landscape but it is shot at an original and different angle. I like how the landscape is taken from a different perspective as it creates an unusual outlook on what would usually be a rather boring landscape.

I like this image due to the leading lines which are shown by the trees. This makes the image more effective. I edited this image on photoshop and increased the contrast and saturation and also adapted the curves of the image in order to increase the brightness of the image.

I really like this image due to the low down shooting angle and also the colours which are in the image. These colours have been made more prominent by editing the image on photoshop. They were made bolder and more striking by increasing the contrast and saturation.

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