Thursday 21 January 2016

Connecting Essay 5

Connecting Essay 5 - Landscapes

Helen Dixon's Photograph -

This image was taken by Helen Dixon who is a landscape photographer. This image captures autumn colours as well as showing trees and their form. The image can be thought to present the formal element of form and colour due to the presence of the trees as well as the autumn colours which cover the ground. I like how the use of colour emphasises the seasons and also like how the image is bright and well lit. in addition to this, I think that the way that the leaves in the foreground are not in focus helps to create a chaotic feel to the image and this could again, could be thought to portray the season.

My Photograph -

These are two images which I captured when shooting for the topic of landscape. I like both of the images as I feel they can both be used to present landscapes and seasons. I like how the first image shows the form and shape of the trees as well as the colours which are shown in their structures. I like the second image as I feel it has been captured from an original angle which adds interest to the image and I also like how the image shows bold autumn colours in the form of the leaves. I edited both the images on photoshop and increased the saturation as well as adapting the curves. 

 The Connection -

Although neither of my photographs look exactly like the photography which was captured by the photographer, I chose the two as they both show an element of the image. Firstly, the first image is similar to the photographers image as they both show the trees and their structures and shapes. The difference is however, that the photographers image was taken in the autumn so the tree has leaves whereas mine was taken during winter so as a result, does not have leaves. I also like how my first image shows pattern in the form of the trees which are in a line. I think that my second image also relates to the photographers one as the colours are very similar and both demonstrate the vibrant autumn colours in the form of the leaves which are on the ground. In this way, both the images could be considered to show the formal element of colour as well as showing landscapes. I also like the similarity which is that you are able to see the branches of the trees in both photographs. In my image, in order to achieve the bold and vibrant colours, I used photoshop and adapted the curves and saturation and this made my image look more similar to that of Helen Dixon. 

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