Thursday 7 January 2016

Composite Images - Issues and where they are used

Composite Images

Personal and Ethical Issues with Composite Images -

A personal issue which could arise with composite images is that people may not wish to edit their images at all, let alone manipulate them in a surreal and possibly unethical way.

An ethical issue which could arise with composite images is that people could believe that the surreal images are real life. An ethical issue with editing in general is that it may create pressure on people in society, especially with the large media industry. Another ethical issue which is often considered in the media is the removal of areas of an image which could be upsetting to the audience. This is usually the case in some news articles.

Areas of Art and Design or Industry which may use manipulated images -

Usually, manipulated images are used in the media, film, music and fashion industry and editing is used in articles such as magazines, to remove model's imperfections. It can also be used in portraiture. This can relate to the ethical issue that some manipulated images can create pressure on people in society. Below shows some images which are either edited for the media or magazines.

In addition, some surreal artists use manipulated images to create bizarre and original images which are surreal and considered as artwork and in many cases, may be used in things such as exhibitions. In addition to this, it can be used in nature photography. Below shows some artwork which would be considered as surrealist.

 In addition to this, manipulated images are usually used in the media and more specifically news articles. In this case, areas of images may be removed which may be upsetting to the audience in order to create images which are widely acceptable to the public and also the media industry.

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