Thursday 4 February 2016

Fourth Plinth - Fairy in London

Fourth Plinth - Fairy in London

After adding the plush fairy to countryside landscapes, I decided to use some of the photographs that I took in London and add it to that setting. I feel that this allowed me to create some more interesting images which surrounded the fairy as the surreal element for the fourth plinth project. 
Below shows how I created one of my composite images using photoshop.

First, I took my original image and adapted the curves in order to make it brighter. I then selected my image of the fairy, used the quick select tool to select it and then finally copied and pasted it onto my original image. 

Once the fairy was moved onto the image. I selected edit and transform in order to rescale and move the fairy image.

Once the image was positioned in my desired place and was scaled in a way that I was happy with, I used the burn tool to create a shadow on the fairy and statue in order to make it look more realistic. To finish, I adapted the curves of the fairy layer to make it bolder.

I created this image using photoshop and like the way that the angle of the added image compliments the angle of the original image. I also like how the fairy is bold as this makes it more obvious and therefore attracts the viewers eye more. I tried to make the image appear as though the fairy was sitting and looking out and watching the fountains. I feel the image is effective as it is very surreal and therefore supports the topic of the fourth plinth. 

I like this image as when you first look at it, you are unable to notice the surreal object within the image. I like how the fantasy element is not obvious as this therefore makes it seem more mysterious when the viewer finally notices the fairy which is hidden to the side. I like the way that the fairy appears to be sitting on the traffic light button and also appears to be watching the traffic. I think this image also supports the fourth plinth element as the object is somewhere strange and where you would not usually see it. 

I created another image of the fairy sitting on a pillar. I like this image as it looks as though the fairy is watching the pedestrians walk past. I like the way that the original image would be boring by itself but with the added element of the fairy, the image becomes interesting and attractive to the audience to look at.

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