Thursday 11 February 2016

Physical Images - Artist Research

Physical Images - Artist Research

Dryden Goodwin

Dyren Goodwin is a British artist who is known for his intricate drawings which he often uses in combination with photography, film, screen based installations and soundtracks. He was born in 1971 in Bournemouth and was educated at the Slade School of Fine Art. In many of his photography works, he uses a scalpel to engrave into the photographs to create a look which appears as scars on the people which the engravements are on in the photos.

I like this image due to the added effect in the image which appears to look like water droplets. I like how the engravements in this image is in red as this looks as though there are scratches on the man's face. I like the composition of the image and like the intricate patterns which are present in the engravements. 

I like how the image is in black and white and like the more spaced out engravements in this image as it helps to make the physical edits look more obvious. I like how the edits can be used to portray the scars of the individuals which are present in the image.

I like this image as I feel it is effective how half the image is in shadow. Looking at these images makes me think it might be a nice ideas to adopt the engravement technique myself but do it on the negative space which is either side of the portrait. This may help to make the portrait face stand out more.

I like this image due to to the fact that it has lots of intricate details to it. I like how it appears to be more white due to more of the engravements. I like how this image is taken at an alternative angle to the others as this makes it look different and effective. I like how the individual in the image appears to be deep in thought as this therefore makes the image more thought provoking for the audience.

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