Thursday 4 February 2016

Fourth Plinth - Work Diary

Fourth Plinth - Work Diary


Overall, I think that my fourth plinth project went well and feel that I managed to create some interesting and original images. In total, I created seven composite images using different landscapes and using the same object which was a small plush fairy. I thought the idea was good for the fourth plinth project as fairies are obviously related to fantasy and are therefore not something that you see everyday which therefore make it ideal for the project. I positioned the fairy in a variety of landscapes. One set of the images were with it placed in countryside landscapes while the other set had it positioned in a city landscape. Below shows my favourite and least favourite image out of the seven which I produced.

This is my favourite image from the ones which I created as the surreal element is not completely obvious at first glance and therefore requires the audience to look at the image more closely in order to find the hidden aspects. I like the way that in the image the fairy appears to be perching up in the tree. This could make the viewer perceive the fairy as being mischievous which adds interest to the image.

This is my least favourite image out of the seven which I created. Obviously, I edited the image using photoshop but I feel that the editing is more obvious in this image than the others and feel it is not as well done. I do not feel that the burning to create a shadowed effect in this image is overly effective as the day on which the image was show was not sunny. Also I feel that because the background image was shot at an angle, the fairy needed to be at an angle as well which is not. I think that this would make the image look more realistic and natural and therefore more effective.

Idea Development

If I were to look at the topic of the fourth plinth again, I would try to perhaps work with a larger object as I feel this would make it easier to photograph in the studio and add to the images. However, if I were to complete the topic again involving the fairies, I would perhaps use photoshop to manipulate the colours of their clothing and maybe use multiple fairies to create a more permanent and colourful feel to the images. I think this would help to make the composite images more attractive and striking to the audience and would also make them more eye-catching. Also, before I started the topic, I would perhaps look at the Cottingley fairy images for inspiration and perhaps attempt to recreate similar images but with a modern twist. Below are some of the images which I would use as inspiration for this.

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