Tuesday 1 December 2015


Editing using Photoshop

Curves and Hue and Saturation 

For this image, I used Photoshop to alter the brightness, saturation and curves in order to achieve a brighter and more eye-catching final photograph.

This screenshot shows when I was adapting the curves. 

This screenshot shows when I was adapting the saturation. Although I did not increase the saturation much, I think that the little that I did increase it made the overall image more effective.
Before -

After -

Evaluation -

I think that my final edited image looks much more effective than the original. I like the way that the edited version of the image is much brighter and also like that the background is much whiter and more bold which assists the image in catching the audiences eye. In addition, I like the way that the figure is made bolder by the increase of saturation as it allows the person to stand out more against the white background. 


I altered the levels in order to change the lighting and brightness in the image.

Before -
 After -

Evaluation -

I think that the adapted levels of the image helps to make the images more bold and striking to look at. I like how the colours are also bolder and more vibrant as this helps to make the images more eye-catching and attractive to the eye. This edit also allows the presentation of more detail within the image. 

Dodge and Burn

With the below image, I edited with the dodge and burn tool on photoshop. I like the way that this tool can create more intricate darker and lighter effects within the images. To use the dodge and burn tools, I used the 'select' tool to select the area I wanted to apply the effect too. I then selected either the 'dodge' or 'burn' tool and applied them to the selected area of my image. 

Firstly, I edited the curves of the image to increase the brightness and also make the darker colours bolder. 

I then also edited the hue and saturation and increased the saturation to make the image bolder and more striking. 

I then experimented with the dodge tool and the burn tools to create darker and lighter effects within the image.

Before -

After -

Evaluation -

I like the outcome of my first attempt using the dodge and burn tools. I think the outcome is effective in presenting the effect and it clearly shows the darker and lighter areas. However, if I were to do this again, I would make the effect more subtle as I think that this would look more effective. On the whole, I am not overly satisfied with my first attempt at using the dodge and burn tools. However, I then also experimented with another image and feel that the more subtle use of the tools makes the image appear slightly more effective.

White Balance

I then used white balance to improve the following image.

Firstly, I began with my original image.

Then, I selected the levels shortcut and then selected the middle/bottom pipette icon depending on how bright the image is needed to be. 

Before -

After -

Evaluation -

I think that the image looks much more effective in the edited version where the white balance has bee applied. It has made the image much more striking and bright which therefore helps it to appeal to the audience and attract attention.

Selected Colour Manipulation

Firstly, begin with the original image.

Select the desired area of the image using the 'select' tool. 

Once you have the desired area selected, click 'select' and then 'inverse'. This will allow for making the background black and white and leaving the originally selected are left in colour. 

You are then able to alter the hue and saturation of the originally coloured selected area. To do this I deselected the selected area and altered the colour to turquoise and also increased the saturation. 

Before -

After -

Evaluation -

I think that this technique is effective and is useful in some particular images. I like how I was able to change the hue of the selected coloured area and also like how the black and white background complements the coloured areas within the image.

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