Tuesday 1 December 2015

Editing - Print Conventions and Preparation of Final Images

Print Conventions - Definitions

PPI - This refers to the numbers of pixels per inch in the images. This will affect the print size of the photo and will affect the quality of the output. 
72 PPI - Used for websites and images in digital form.
300 PPI - Used when printing images.

White Balance Adjustment - The colour balance on a digital camera. It is the process of removing unrealistic colour casts. This allows objects that appear white in person to also appear white within the image.

Colour Temperature - Refers to the measure of a lights colour. A cold colour temperature would be towards the blue end of the spectrum whereas the warmer images are more towards the red end of the spectrum. 

Dodge - Makes the image brighter.

Burn - Makes the image darker.

Print Resolution - The degree of sharpness of a printed image. Resolution is defined by pixels per inch.

Healing Brush - An intelligent paint tool which is similar to the clone stamp tool. The tools allows the covering of blemishes. 

Clone Stamp Tool - Photoshop's clone stamp tool allows you to duplicate part of an image. 

Hue - A colour or shade.

Saturation - Used to refer to the intensity of a colour within an image. 

Levels - Used to correct the tonal range and colour balance of an image by adjusting the intensity of the images shadows, mid tones and highlights.

Curves - Assists with the adjusting of points through an image's tonal range.

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